この巨石は、1954 年の映画「君の名は」の印象的なシーンの舞台となった「君の名は」この映画とその女性主人公の真知子が有名になり、映画で見た美しい冬の風景「霧氷」を求めて雲仙に観光客が急増しました。真知子を演じた女優の岸恵子さんは、彼女が有名にした石を記念する式典にも招待されました.
真知子岩の後ろには別の種類のモニュメントがあります。キリスト教徒殉教者の記念碑を示す十字架です。前述のように、1500 年代後半から 1600 年代前半にかけて、雲仙にキリスト教が広まりました。しかし、7 世紀後半以降、キリシタンは徳川幕府によって容赦なく迫害され、多くの人が雲仙地獄の熱湯で拷問を受け、信仰を捨てさせられました。この記念碑は彼らの犠牲を記念しています。
Walk downhill from the observation point and take in the view of Kinugasayama. On your right, you will see a plaque embedded in a boulder. This is Machiko-iwa, or the Machiko Stone.
This boulder was the setting for a memorable scene in the 1954 film “Kimi no Na Wa,” or “What is your name?” The film and its female lead, Machiko, became so famous that Unzen saw a sudden increase in tourists, all of whom sought the beautiful winter landscape that they had seen in the film. The actress who played Machiko, Keiko Kishi, was even invited to the ceremony commemorating the stone she made famous.
Behind Machiko-iwa is a different sort of monument: a cross that marks the Christian Martyrs’ Memorial. As described earlier, Christianity was widespread in Unzen during the late 1500s and early 1600s. However, beginning in the second half of the seventh century, Christians were brutally persecuted by the Tokugawa Shogunate, and many were tortured in the boiling water of the Unzen jigoku to force them to abandon their faith. This monument commemorates their sacrifice.