初夏の雲仙(Eng) Early summer in Unzen
初夏の雲仙山脈では、白い花を咲かせるヤマボウシが見られます。 6月中旬から7月上旬の梅雨頃に見られます。ヤマボウシの群生を見るおすすめのスポットは「吹越(ふきこし;仏教関係の名称」と呼ばれる場所です。
Early summer in Unzen. Yamabousi(Mountain holly). In the early summer of the Unzen mountain range, you can witness Yamabousi, which blooms white flowers Yamabousi. It is typically observed from mid-June to early July, around the rainy season. A recommended spot to see the colonies of mountain holly is a location known as "Fukikoshi" (a Buddhist-related name).
Although car transportation is necessary, you can head from the hot spring town towards Shimabara, make a left turn before the golf course, and proceed on Prefectural Road 385 towards "Tabira Port" for about 20 minutes. The magnificent colonies of mountain holly spread beneath the bridge before the tunnel, attracting the attention of passing drivers and tour bus passengers during this season.
Summer in Unzen. A summer resort. The average temperature in the summer of Unzen (at an altitude of approximately 700 meters) is around 24-25°C, similar to Sapporo in Hokkaido. Since the Meiji and Taisho eras, many foreigners have visited Unzen during the summer vacation, making it resemble a foreign town. Consequently, the innkeepers of that time could speak English and Russian.