冬の雲仙(Eng) Winter in Unzen
雲仙の冬。 仁田峠、妙見岳、国見岳、普賢岳などの標高1,100メートル以上の地域では、12月から3月にかけての厳冬期に霧氷が見られます。特に寒い日には、月に10日~12日ほど霧氷が見られます。
Winter in Unzen. In regions with elevations exceeding 1,100 meters such as Nita Pass, Mt. Myokendake, Mt. Kunimidake, and Mt. Fugendake, you can observe rime ice during the severe winter period from December to March. Especially on extremely cold days, rime ice can be seen approximately 10 to 12 days per month.
Several decades ago, during times of more intense cold, rime ice was also visible in the hot spring town. However, in recent years, possibly due to the effects of global warming, the frequency of observing rime ice has decreased.
Rime ice is formed by ice crystals that develop on tree branches when blown by the north wind. They are created through the winter pressure system, influenced by the high-pressure system in the west, low-pressure system in the east, clouds, fog, and other factors occurring below freezing temperatures.
Locally, it is also known as "hanabouro," and is cherished by the residents. By the way, the "juhyo" seen in the Zao region in Tohoku is different from Unzen's rime ice. It forms when snow sticks to branches and freezes.